Friday, January 28, 2011!

It's okay if you don't order my cupcakes, & its great if you decide to make your own.
Just, please, please, pleeeease don't use this...disgraceful cupcake contraption!

cupcake contraption

Spare yourself!


  1. I totally agree! I don't know who would buy this thing when you can make something so much better with a simple pan! Looking forward to more posts :-)

  2. is that a George Foreman cupcake grill?

  3. It sure looks like it doesn't it! I'm sure Georges loves him some cupcakes too. However, he hasn't quite gotten to cupcakes as far as I know. :]

  4. THANK YOU!!! When this crap came out I was getting calls all over the place from people telling me I should buy it-I said 'Are you kidding me?!'

  5. Oh awful! At least my mom understands my hate for these things. I even saw one that was shaped like a cupcake :/ it's the new easy bake oven.
